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- Written by: Zhurem
- Category: Documents
- Hits: 2172
Everything in the live is about experience, many people find live sense when they have good and valuable experiences to remember, in the same way, we can imagine the life as a search for hapiness or in other words, a hapiness build as several good experiences to remember.

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- Written by: Zhurem
- Category: Documents
- Hits: 2041
I have 36 years old and I wonder how the people some years ago were getting new daily knowledge without Internet and all the technology that we have really close an easy to consume. The knowledge is near to everyone.

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- Written by: Zhurem
- Category: Documents
- Hits: 2377
Leadership is an important and essential value, specially for chiefs, high executives or any other person who drive the future of one institution, but behind the leadership is mandatory to have a strong amount of several other values and skills to succeed. No one can think a successful leader without the trust value, that is basic to make the people follow you, anyone can think that with authority and fear the leader could replace the trust, and yes, may be, but that is a really bad way to be a leader. Of course, there are bad and good leaders,

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- Written by: Zhurem
- Category: Documents
- Hits: 2383
For this days the people talk a lot about innovation, in the tech news, the futurist movies, the last mobile devices, the best companies worldwide, the more relevant jobs, the universities and much more. Innovation seems be near of many interesting topics in our days, but what really mean Innovation?

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- Written by: Zhurem
- Category: Documents
- Hits: 3358
This three terms are used similarly in many situations, but many people don't know the real meaning of this words.