- Details
- Written by: Zhurem
- Category: ABAP
- Hits: 5944
From the previous tutorial: Creating development transport request. We have now 3 tasks, create a package, create a program and create a transaction.Then we will be creating a package on this section.
- Details
- Written by: Zhurem
- Category: ABAP
- Hits: 12570
When we are looged on the miniSAP, we can see the SAP Easy Access screen, this is the starting point to all the SAP software, and in our case to all the development tools, that we need to develop an ABAP program.
Read more: First steps with ABAP - Creating Development Transport Request
- Details
- Written by: Zhurem
- Category: ABAP
- Hits: 4840
To follow the next tutorial we must to have installed and initiated the SAP Netweaver ABAP Trial (the Application Server and Database Server) and the SAP GUI (The Presentation Server).